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La Joya del discernimiento (Vivekachudamani)

LIBROS de Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Yo soy Eso Conversaciones con Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Mas libros de Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

LIBROS de Ramana Maharshi

Dia a Dia con Bhagavan 

1. Libros con Bhagavan en espanol 

Sobre Ramana Maharshi
Libros de Ramana Maharshi

En inglés
  1. Guru-Bhakti Yoga By Swami Sivananda (July 28, 2007).
  2. Kingly Science Kingly Secret By Swami Sivananda (July 30, 2006).
  3. Self-Knowledge By Swami Sivananda (December 18, 2002).
  4. A Great Guru And His Ideal Disciple By Swami Sivananda (July 24, 2002)
  5. Practice of Karma Yoga By Swami Sivananda (October 20, 2001).
  6. Practical Lessons in Yoga By Swami Sivananda (October 10, 2001).
  7. Karmas and Diseases By Swami Sivananda (September 28, 2001).
  8. Swami Sivananda-A Modern Sage (September 8, 2001).
  9. Philosophy of Dreams By Swami Sivananda (August 18, 2001).
  1. Shivananda Yoga
  2. TInspiring Talks of Gurudev Sivananda By Swami Venkatesananda (December 27, 2005

  1. Barometer del Progresso Espiritual
  2. Dios
  3. Forma Práctica Para la Realización del Ser
  4. Sadhana Tattwa O La Ciencia de las Siete Culturas
  5. Veinte Importantes Instrucciones Espirituales
en inglés
A Message To New Initiates By Swami Chidananda (October 6, 2001).
Light on the Yoga Way of Life By Swami Chidananda (January 26, 2002).

A Call to LiberationThis book has been compiled from Swamiji’s inspiring early morning meditation talks given in the Samadhi Hall of Holy Master Swami Sivanandaji’s sacred Samadhi Shrine in Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh.
Formats: .pdf (738 kb) |

A Guide To Noble LivingThis small book of the Life Spiritual answers questions such as to what the real purpose of life is, what the meaning of true Yoga is, what the spirit of true renunciation is, and how to start with virtue, pass through holiness and culminate in Godliness.
Formats: .pdf (202 kb), .html (174 kb)

A Message To New InitiatesA concise booklet containing important instructions on mantra meditation.
Formats: .pdf (113 kb), .html (75 kb)

A New BeginningWords spoken by Swamiji for a few minutes during morning Meditation Class to mould one's life anew in the light of Gurudev's teachings.
Formats: .pdf (174 kb) |

Advices on Spiritual LivingThis book contains the first 60 Sivanandashram letters by Swamiji spanning from October 1963 to January 1969. This book is like an autobiography as Swamiji describes his travels and experiences at the various places that he has visited. Read about Swamiji's meeting with Gandhiji when Swamiji was 29 years old; travels to Malaysia, South Africa and various other places; learn about the various Hindu festivals as well as Christmas and New Year celebrations at Holy Ashram and much, much more.
Formats: .pdf (567 kb), .html (539 kb)

Bliss is Within
Life-transforming lectures on a wide variety of subjects on the life spiritual.
Formats: .pdf (554 kb), .html (529 kb)

Eternal MessagesA collection of spiritual advice given periodically to earnest seekers by Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj, through his correspondence.
Formats: .pdf (156 kb), .html (131 kb) | Buy Print Edition

The Gita VisionInspiring lectures on the first three chapters of the Bhagavadgita—the quintessence of the wisdom of the Vedanta.
Formats: .pdf (125 kb), .html (60 kb) | Buy Print Edition

God As MotherA series of illuminating lectures on the significance of worship of the Divine Mother delivered during the Navaratri festival (festival of Mother worship).
Formats: .pdf (233 kb), .html (200 kb)* | Buy Print Edition

Guidelines to IlluminationThis book vividly gives the fundamentals of spiritual life and serves the purpose of giving some practical and useful information in this direction.
Formats: .pdf (370 kb), .html (362 kb) | Buy Print Edition

Lectures on Raja YogaThese lectures on the Yoga of meditation have been given in very simple language avoiding technical terms as far as possible. They are easy to understand as they were originally addressed to a group of persons who were strangers to Indian philosophical thoughts and the subject of Yoga-Darshana.
Formats: .pdf (265 kb), .html (253 kb) |

The Path Beyond Sorrow A volume dealing extensively with spiritual values of life and suggestive methods for transcending mundane existence. Formats: .pdf (511 kb), .html (519 kb) |

Path To BlessednessQuintessence of the Ashtanga Yoga of Sage Maharshi Patanjali, the well-known eight stages or Limbs of Yoga.
Formats: .pdf (278 kb), .html (265 kb) | Buy Print Edition

The Philosophy, Psychology and Practice of YogaSeries of lectures given by the author highlighting the most essential aspects of Yoga Sadhana and bringing Yoga Darsana (Patanjali's Yoga Sutras) to new life as a vibrant, living guide to spiritual practice.
Formats: .pdf (497 kb), .html (513 kb) | Buy Print Edition

Ponder These TruthsEarly morning meditation talks delivered at Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh. Swami Chidananda covers a wide range of subject on the life spiritual. A wonderful source of inspiration and motivation for the spiritual aspirant.
Formats: .pdf (609 kb), .html (640 kb) |

The Role of Celibacy in the Spiritual LifeThis book vividly gives the fundamentals of spiritual life and serves the purpose of giving some practical and useful information in this direction.
Formats: .pdf (78 kb), .html (51 kb)

Students, Spiritual Literature and Sivananda
This book consists of a series of questions and answers pertaining to the study of literature, the choice of books, the benefits of Svadhyaya and so on.
Formats: .pdf (132 kb), .html (82 kb)

Success in Life—A Young Person's Guide
Message to students from the compassionate heart of Swami Chidananda.
Formats: .pdf (153 kb)

Thus Speaks Chidananda
Contains brief elucidations by Swami Chidananda on Life, Sadhana, Mind, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Glory Of Renunciation.
Formats: .pdf (71 kb), .html (36 kb)

Twenty Important Spiritual InstructionsA series of talks on Swami Sivananda's Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions.
Formats: .pdf (239 kb), .html (202 kb) |



  1. Código Nacional de Conducta para los Ciudadanos de India
  2. Atma Bodha por Adisankaracharya
  3. VIVEKACHUDAMANI por Adisankaracharya
  4. RAJA YOGA por Swami Vivekananda 
  5. Bhagavad Gita por Swami Vijoyananda
  6. Yoga Sutras de Patantjali
  7. Glosario

Paz, amor, harmonia